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The Lab

How to relieve chronic pain according to a shamanic practitioner

3 min read

Vanessa Hanks, a shamanic practitioner, gives her insight into holistic healing for chronic pain relief.

10 Ways to Make Your Doctor Love You (So You Get Better Care)

6 min read

Believe it or not, there are types of patients that doctors dislike. Find out how to make your doctor look forward to seeing you in the office.

What You Might Not Know About the Drug Facts Label

6 min read

Drug facts labels can be confusing. Here’s how to decode them and get the most important information.

Don’t Make the Mistake of Being a Passive Patient

6 min read

Being a passive patient is a big problem. Find out why and how you can become a more active patient.

How to Stay Healthy When You're a Caretaker for Someone in Pain

5 min read

Don’t let your own health take a hit when you are a caretaker for someone in pain. You can prevent this now.

What is Arthrosis?

10 min read

Arthrosis is the most common form of arthritis. Learn what it is and how you can treat your symptoms.

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