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The Lab

How to relieve chronic pain according to a naturopathic doctor

2 min read

Dr. Deborah Drake, a naturopathic doctor, gives her insight into natural methods for pain relief.

Massage for Pain Relief: What You Need to Know

5 min read

Massage therapy is helpful for relieving chronic pain. Find out how and how you can get started.

How to Recover from Exercise Fast

5 min read

Hitting the gym a little too hard can cause major muscle soreness. Here’s how to recover fast.

Demystifying Inflammation Once and For All

10 min read

Inflammation is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions today. Learn about why you may be experiencing chronic pain and inflammation.

8 Signs You Might Be Suffering from Inflammation

5 min read

Inflammation might be causing damage inside your body without you knowing it. Here are the signs to look for.

How to relieve chronic pain according to a chiropractor

2 min read

Dr. Beau Pierce, a chiropractor, gives his insight into the lifestyle changes you can make to relieve chronic pain.

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